How to Apply the 'Perfect Make Up' for YOU

How to Apply the 'Perfect Make Up' for YOU

Vivian Elizabeth Marquez's Perfect Make Up in 5-minutes. May 2017

Here are the tips that i believe are truly essential for each individual wishing to pursue the lifelong challenge of 'Perfect Make Up'!

Where you live matters:

Why does where you live matter?, you may be asking. Put simply, your climate will affect the make up application, how long it will stay on your face, and how it will react to your environmental elements.

For those who have visited or lived in a climate like, New Orleans, Houston, or any other extremely humid climate, knows about the unique challenges that make up application (and hair troubles) face.

The frizz in the hair that will never go away along with the runny mascara and runny everything that you put on your face as soon as you leave refrigerated air are all factors of living in this climate.

I live in Albuquerque, NM. While these challenges are not mine, i do have my own set of crackly, alligator skin and exaggerated stringy dry hair that i fight off on a daily basis.

What products you use matters:

While you believe that following the advice of your favorite Blogger, or favorite YouTube star, or favorite magazine is the way to go, (you know, based on all of the GRRRREATT reviews), think again.

We, all Beauty Consultants, find products that work for our own individual skin types and for our own climate/environments. A "miraculous" product that has rave reviews by a woman with oily skin living in Houston may not be the best fit for someone living in Albuquerque with extremely dry skin.

The first step is to find out what type of skin do you have? Go to Google and type: what type of skin do i have quiz. Take your pick of one, a few, or do all of the online tests.

After you do several of these quizzes, you will begin to see a pattern emerging. The fact that you will conduct several tests on your skin, will also help you learn more about your skin type, pore size, and other helpful information about your skin.

Once you are victorious with the skin-type-challenge, finding our your city's climate is pretty easy. If you Wikipedia your city and scroll down to the Climate section, you will immediately see that, for example, Albuquerque has a "cold semi-arid climate." (Semi my ass!) Anywhoooo

With all of this knowledge in hand, you are now ready to begin your search. This is where your favorite Beauty Consultant, favorite Blogger, and favorite YouTube star comes in handy! You see, once you know your skin type and your climate, you are now able to find advice that is actually helpful for you. 

Keep in mind that finding a wonderful product that works amazing on your skin, and is ideal for your climate is an on-going search (on-going as you age)

Take note that as you age, you need to keep doing the skin tests. As a younger girl i had severely oily skin. I transitioned to oily t-zone and now that i am 40, i have extremely dry skin combination with oily t-zone. Just when you thought you had found the end all of all products that you were ever going to need, your skin goes thru more hormonal changes.

What colors you use matters:

While i could do an entire blog on each of these sections, i am touching the surface of each, to give you a running start on several factors, all in one blog post.

Your skin color (winter and summer are different), your eye color, and your hair color, all determine which colors look best on you. There is skin tone, skin undertone, and a slew of in-betweens with neutrals mixed in there too. (refer to intro on your uniqueness)

If you Google "how do i determine my skin tone?", wikihow is the top hit. Jus as when you were determining your skin type, make sure to try out several of these tests and ask a friend to give you honest advice on what you are seeing. Consider that we sometimes perceive colors differently in different light and based on our own opinions of ourselves. A friend will minimize the "self" biases, helping you reach the best conclusion.

Once you know your skin tone and skin undertone, the make up world opens to you! This is where choosing your favorite online channels of information are key. Choosing to follow others with similar skin tone, similar hair color and similar eye color, will yield you results that are closer to what you are looking to achieve.

If you are choosing to follow someone with a different skin tone, different hair color, etc, there are plenty of techniques that you can learn from them, (as long as you have similar features), but if you do not even share similar features either, i'm not sure that you will benefit much from their advice, no matter how wonderful they are at applying make up.

How do I apply 'The Perfect Make up'?

The picture on this post of my eyes was taken on May 10, 2017. This is my 5-minute make up, out-the-door routine. Because i do not wear any type of foundation, powders, contouring, blush, literally nothing on my face except SPF, i can manage with a 5-minute make up routine that is 'my perfect make up", for me.

I will point out the make up techniques for those who share my features: regular, almond eyes, evenly set, arched eyebrows, medium nose.

All of my make up has YoungLiving essential oils in it. (email me to become a distributor or to buy samples) I add the oils to my eyebrow pot, to my eyeliner pot (no eye liner in this look-c'mon it was 5 min make up), my lip sticks, lip gloss, mascara, powder, concealer and corrector pots. Nothing goes on my face without essential oils in the mix.

Due to the very dry climate in Albuquerque, i apply a heavy coat of moisturizer after my SPF. I then add additional hydration to my lips and eye area. Then, I brush my eye brows as i allow the first coat of moisturizer and under eye make up to dry. (always allow one coat of paint to dry before adding a new coat- like nail polish)

In the picture it looks as if my natural eyelid color is showing thru. This is my technique that is done on purpose to make my look, very natural. After the corrector under my eyes and my eye lids has dried, i then apply a small bit of concealer on the edges of my eye bags. Using my ring finger i gently tap the concealer on my skin. This is followed with pressed powder to set the concealer. (I do not do my upper lids until last, and one at a time)

When both eyes have gone thru this process, i then apply a heavy layer of concealer on my eye lids and on both corners of my eyes -inside and outer edges-. I do one eye at a time. After applying this heavy layer and letting it dry briefly, with my eyes closed, i only open my eyes briefly to put the brush in the compact for powder and immediately press the powder onto the top of my eyelids. As we age, our lids have extra skin that form lines of concealer, if you blink. So, keep your eyes closed while the concealer is drying and only open them when you are ready to put on the setting powder. 

After applying the pressed powder in my skin-tone-shade, i then take another compact that has a shade slightly darker than my own skin tone. I load up a fluffy "eye lid brush" with this other powder and load my eyelid with it. This is the color that you see in that top picture.

My eyebrows only have a small amount of brown gel. I used an angle brush and a spoolie to set in place. Q-tips are handy tools to correct any wayward application.

After letting the powder be absorbed by my skin, i come back and do the eye shadow work. For my eye type, and for this look, i put a very pale ivory on the inner edges of my eyes, along the top of my lash line and half way (inside) on my bottom lash line. I then followed the application with a very pale pink on top of the ivory color, in the same place. To finish my look i used a very thin, very flat brush to make a burnt brown line, creating a crease. I used this same color on my bottom lash line and you can see how i 'corrected' my eyes to make them look larger. Finished the look with a blending brush to the upper lid.

Two coats of mascara, lip gloss and i was out of the door within 5-minutes flat!

What is really the "Perfect Make up?"!

The "Perfect Make up" depends on your occasion, where you are going, what colors you are wearing, what clothes you are wearing (sporty, gala, etc), how you are wearing your hair, how heavy you are with your accessories, your facial features, your skin tone, the climate where you live, your skin type and even your mood.

I know i tend to do more 'panda' eyes during that time of the month, even for daytime. (look at my blog on how to put on falsies -fake eyelashes- to see what panda-eye-make-up is).

Today's perfect make up was the 5-minute look above.

As soon as my Youtube channel is up and running, i will do a tutorial from beginning to end.

Feel free to email me any questions! I do local Beauty Consulting and via Skype anywhere in the world. Sessions can be booked at: Sister site:

You are a unique, beautiful, magnificent, incredible human being! 

When i say unique, i mean it!

There has never been a more perfect human being than you and there never will be another again, exactly like you.

That said, I hope that you understand that this truth, applies to all facets of your life, including make up.

While YouTube is addicting (i admit to being one of the addicts with my own channel- Vivian Elizabeth Marquez), imitating your favorite YouTube star may provide pointers and may tech you a lot during your beginning phases of learning make up, but for truly amazing make up, you need to get to know... well you!

As a professional Beauty Consultant, i hear girls and grown women talk about how small/large their eyes are, or how thin/thick their lips are, or about how large/crooked/small/hooked/bulbous/wide/thin their nose is or how wide/small their mouth is, etc.

There isn't a single feature in the entire face, that has not been picked on, from cheek bones, and all bone structures, all the way to the hair line.

After being in the beauty industry in one way shape or form since 1995, I feel confident giving the following advice: Comparing yourself to others, and/or comparing any feature (whether physical or otherwise) will only lead to unhappiness.

When a beautiful teenager is looking at magazines, or an equally beautiful grown woman is watching TV, i can understand the desire to compare, but to what end? (We are all beautiful!)

Accepting all of our features, accepting who we are to begin with, and even learning to somehow love and to be happy with ourselves is the first step to true beauty.

Beauty radiates from within. You can buy all of the make up in the world. You can have all of the plastic surgery that money can buy. You can buy all of the clothes and wigs, hair extensions, contact lenses, etc and change every single inch of your physical form, but just remember, that you are still who you are inside.
