The BEST diet for YOU. Try it!

The BEST diet for YOU. Try it!
Before reading this article, i strongly recommend watching,

After watching this documentary, and after listening to the people who were interviewed, maybe those colorful veggies at the grocery will begin to look more 'digestible.'

If you're not here for the video and simply want the diet, this is what the movie suggests: converting to a whole food, plant based diet. Towards the end of the movie, Samuel L Jackson mentions the following diet (I am wondering where salt fits into this lifestyle):

T.H.E. Diet
No Meat,
No Oil,
No Dairy,
No Nuts,
No Sugar.
(Another way it was said, was to not to eat anything with a face or a mother) Yikes!

If there's no meat, no cheeseburgers or pizza, there's no food left
If you're having a difficult time imagining what is WHOLE FOOD, PLANT BASED, think of foods that are unprocessed, (meaning they are not in a can, not in a box, not in a jar, unsalted, not rosted, basically in the food's natural state) and don't need a label.

All American Diet: A big no-no


I need to finish the junk food i have at home 
Uh, no you don't. When you make the choice to change your lifestyle, research your local donation center and put EVERYTHING that is not within your new lifestyle's guidelines and donate. Step away. Slowly walk away from the boxes and don't look back!! lol

Make a promise to not buy junk food again. Indulge every once in a while when you're out, as i do, but don't ever bring it back home.

Examples of food that our bodies thrive on
Fresh (or flash frozen) raw fruits and raw vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds, starches, beans, lentils, turnips, collards, kale, green beans, onions, mushrooms, garlic, avocado (long live salsa and guaco!), berries, black or brown rice, quinoa, swiss chard, mustard greens, cabbage, olives, limes, pickles, brussel sprouts, cauliflower, parsley, spinach, arugula, apples, oranges, jicama, tomatoes, passion fruit, kiwis, papaya, pineapple, grapes, ginger, distilled water, etc.

What is Whole Food, Plant Based?
When you research the term, "whole food, plant based recipes," a plethora of website with delicious recipes comes up. One of my favorites is

You CAN bake with no dairy and no eggs!
If you're wondering, how can i bake with no dairy and no eggs? There are alternatives to dairy products for baking. As far as eggs, research "flax egg." (eggless cooking)


When i eat dairy, i break out in a heavy rash behind my arms. The pimple'ish bumps are bothersome. They also itch, and are of course unsightly. The feeling of the bumps on arms, is enough to cause me to start "operation extermination" with my alcohol pads and stainless steel tools. Even though i rarely go for dairy, every once in a while, i still end up doing operation extermination on my arms for not keeping my distance from ice cream or cheese.

No Meat No Protein?
This argument always comes up when i tell people that i'm a vegetarian and at times i go a while without dairy or any type of fish either.

In the movie i mention at the beginning of this blog, one of the answers that i loved, when this concern arises, he said to look at the animals at the zoo who have rippling, beautiful muscles. He said, these animals are so large and full of muscles, yet they do not eat meat. He said, these animals are all vegetarians. Some of the largest animals in the zoo do not eat any type of meat.

The movie interviews elite level athletes who are vegan. They are not passing out on the fields, in need of protein. These elite athletes are at the top of their sport and are in excellent medical condition.

When someone tries to push their belief on you, it is as easy as reaching for your cell phone and Googling a phrase, to see what the world has to say. I have learned to doubt everything and to research everything.

Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar Uses
There are also a lot of recipes with organic Apple Cider Vinegar. I use this stuff on my hair on my skin, in my bath water and in my smoothies. The benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar are amazing.

I can't eat organic, it's expensive 
Let's look at the facts.

* In Albuquerque, NM, conventional bananas are .59/lb and organic bananas are .69/lb.
* A 25 lb bag of rice is $25. (At El Mezquite Market, I have purchased 2-3 LBS of rice for $1.)
* I have also purchased 2-3 LBS of beans for $.99 at El Mezquite. (Look at their weekly sales)
* Pineapple, Papaya, Watermelon, all fruits and vegetables are very inexpensive.

Some stores carry frozen vegetables for $.99 per bag.

My company heavily promotes the local farming community. Not only do you support your local farmers, but you are also putting your money back into your community instead of shipping it out to major conglomerate store owners who do not live and do not support your community. Your local farms have a healthy supply of all organic, true free range chicken eggs, and meat organically fed and treated humanly. The best part are the prices offered by these local producers are very competitive with your local grocery store.

If you think that eating at your local fast food chain is healthy, it is not. If you think giving your hard earned money to large mega corporations is a smart thing, it is not, because they do not care about your health or about your community. Each and every dollar that you choose to spend on food, consider how important each dollar is. Consider who you are supporting and if they are supporting you back. (This is why i love MLMs that offer all organic products, and you receive a check back from your purchases).

How expensive is my coffee?
IF you think organic food is expensive, take a look at how much money you spend per month on coffee and fast food alone.

Healthy Deserts
Are you kidding me? No. I'm not kidding you. As a self proclaimed desert junkie, i can attest that there are mouth watering delights that are healthy, waiting for you to discover them!

Here, i am sharing my favorite sugar craving recipes. 

1. I buy organic fruit when it is on sale, and i mean i buy A LOT OF IT. I then wash it (in a Thieves Young Living Essential Oil tub), cut it and store it in the freezer. I leave a baggie in the fridge to snack on. This fruit can be blended with either rice milk (any non-dairy milk) a little bit of honey and frozen into popsicles. I also use it to make impromptu watery shakes in the afternoon. For those who like to snack on ice, try snacking on frozen fruit.

2. Raw chocolate squares made with raw almond butter, walnuts and cranberries.

3. Take one lime or lemon, peel and put in your blender. Add a little bit of honey, celery sticks cucumbers, a bit of water and ice. Blend and enjoy!

Google: Vegan deserts and find your favorite desert recipe.

I don't know how to cook this stuff and i don't have the time
Do you ever go to the store to buy toilet paper or paper towels or tooth paste? While the truth is i buy most of these items from my MLM (email me for information), i do go to the store for things like hydrogen peroxide, Q-tips, and the occasional make up item. Point is, we all make time to go to the store to buy other items. If going to the grocery store to buy fresh produce is not a habit that you currently have, when you make the decision to put your health first, you will build this habit over time.

When you shop, always make a point to go to the produce section. While browsing the internet at work (I mean, i don't do that, but if you happen to be on the internet ;) research a mac and cheese dairy free alternative, for example. Take a quick screen shot of the ingredients and next time that you're at the store, simply look at your phone's pictures and buy the ingredients.

Make it a habit to always stop by the produce section and buy a fresh piece of fruit that you enjoy. When you have those snickers bar cravings, enjoy your fresh fruit. You will see how fresh fruit tames the harshest of sugar cravings.

Fad Diets
There are so many fad diets, that i find it unbelievable how so many people have the stamina to keep trying one after another.

Be smart about your health. Be smart about your money. Be smart and always communicate with your physician when changing a lifestyle.
